20 Controversial Quotes by Osho

Controversial Quotes by Osho

 If you are interested in spirituality, you may have heard of Osho, one of the most controversial mystics of the 20th century. Osho was an Indian guru who founded a movement that attracted thousands of followers from all over the world. He taught a philosophy of meditation, love, creativity and freedom that challenged many traditional beliefs and norms. He also provoked a lot of criticism and controversy for his views on sex, politics, religion and morality.

Osho was known for his provocative and often paradoxical quotes that expressed his insights and wisdom on various aspects of life. He had a unique way of using words to convey his message and to inspire his listeners. Whether you agree with him or not, you cannot deny his quotes are thought-provoking and enlightening.

In this blog post, we have compiled 20 of the most controversial quotes by Osho that will make you rethink your assumptions and perspectives on life. These quotes are not meant to offend anyone but to stimulate curiosity and reflection. Read them with an open mind and see what they reveal to you.

1. "The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others, and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom."

2. "Mind: A beautiful servant, a dangerous master."

3. "Life begins where fear ends."

4. "Truth is simple. Very simple – so simple that a child can understand it. In fact, so simple that only a child can understand it. Unless you become a child again you will not be able to understand it."

5. "Be – don't try to become."

6. "Darkness is an absence of light. Ego is an absence of awareness."

7. "To avoid pain, they avoid pleasure. To avoid death, they avoid life."

8. "Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny – he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally – you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you."

9. "Be realistic: Plan for a miracle."

10. "The moment you accept yourself, you become beautiful."

11. "Love deeply, love without jealousy, love blissfully and help each other to be more meditative."

12. "Courage is a love affair with the unknown."

13. "Don't seek, don't search, don't ask, don't knock, don't demand – relax. If you relax it comes, if you relax it is there."

14. "What is discipline? Discipline means creating an order within you. As you are, you are a chaos."

15. "Don't try to understand life. Live it! Don't try to understand love. Move into love."

16. "Philosophy is a disease and not an ordinary one either. It's not a common cold. It is cancer – cancer of the soul."

17. "Buddha did not teach anything to believe in. He was not a teacher in that sense, because he did not teach. He was, on the contrary, an anti-teacher, he took away all the teachings that people were carrying."

18. "Find ecstasy within yourself. It is not out there. It is in your innermost flowering."

19. "Get out of your head and get into your heart. Think less, feel more."

20. "A certain darkness is needed to see the stars."

We hope these quotes have stirred something in you and made you question your beliefs and assumptions about life. Osho was not a man who wanted to be followed or worshipped; he wanted to be understood and experienced. He wanted to help people discover their own inner potential and freedom.

If you want to learn more about Osho and his teachings, you can visit his official website or read some of his books or watch some of his videos online.

What do you think of these quotes? Do you agree or disagree with them? Do you find them inspiring or disturbing? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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